Thursday, June 18, 2009

Colombian Congress moves to immunize 19,000 ex-militiamen

Colombia's lower house approved a bill that would suspend all prosecutions of some 19,000 demobilized right-wing militiamen, the measure's sponsor said Tuesday.

Excluded from the proposal are former paramilitaries linked to drug trafficking or massacres, ruling party Congressman Nicolas Uribe told La FM radio.

Roughly 31,000 members of the AUC militia federation ostensibly laid down their arms between 2003 and 2006 in the framework of a peace process with the government of President Alvaro Uribe, who is not related to the lawmaker.

Congressman Uribe said that approval of his bill would facilitate the success of the peace process with the paramilitaries and lay the groundwork for possible future talks with Colombia's left-wing rebels.

“What this mechanism seeks is to materialize an accord, which the Attorney General's Office makes with the Supreme Court of Justice, to resolve that judicial limbo which more than 19,000 demobilized people were in,” he said.

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