Sunday, May 31, 2009

Thousands demonstrate for Muslim migrants rights in Greek Athens

More than 2,000 Muslim immigrants and leftist Greeks marched peacefully through Athens Friday to protest alleged mutilation of a copy of the Koran, the Holy Book of Islam, by police.

It was the second demonstration after the Greek police hurled a Koran belong and Iraqi immigrant and mutilated it.

Immigrant groups, anti-racist groups and human rights organizations scheduled the rally in central Omonia Square for Friday evening.

Dozens of police deployed to prevent possible clashes with neo-Nazis protesters gathering nearby for a separate demonstration to mark the May 29, 1453, fall of Constantinople -- modern-day Istanbul and then the capital of the Byzantine Empire -- to the Ottomans. Far-right protesters shouted anti-immigrant slogans.

"We want this officer put on trial, and we ask the government to protect our prayer sites in Athens," said Zuri, a Moroccan protester.

The Muslim Union of Greece says that during police checks at a Syrian-owned coffee shop, an officer took a customer's Koran, tore it up, threw it on the floor and stomped on it. Police have launched an investigation.

The Muslim Union, representing thousands of immigrants in Athens, said it had filed a lawsuit against the unidentified policeman.

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