Will they ignore us now as we try as best we can to slow down the military shipments heading out of Fort Lewis to their final destination in Afghanistan?
The other night, one of the resistors was approached by some spouses and partners of soldiers in the Stryker Brigade that is in the process of shipping out. She explained to the military wives, who are about to lose their loved ones to a far and distant land and perhaps lose them forever, why we were out there and what we were doing. They were
supportive. They were thankful. They don't want their husbands to go to Afghanistan. We don't either.
Last night, the resistance continued. Shipments started leaving Fort Lewis around 9:00pm. Scouts were located up and down the I-5 corridor. People were in position and then the HugBots – three people in robot costumes and concrete lockboxes – were unleashed in front of a convoy of Stryker vehicles on the off-ramp to Exit 137 near the Port of Tacoma. They jumped out of a van that came out of nowhere, in the midst of several cop cars and quickly locked down. The van drove off with the back doors still swinging open into the dark of the night. The HugBots spent a considerable amount of time there, although they were dragged off by the cops in a short matter of time. The fire department had to come to cut up the lockboxes and help remove them. Two street medics were at the scene the whole time while this happened and were never arrested. The HugBots ended up in jail and people are working on getting them out.
Do you know the significance of this?
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