Friday, April 10, 2009

'Poisonous Gas Bomb supplied by India, used by SLA, to destroy LTTE - the truth came out'

From Lankasrinews :

7 Apr, 2009

The SLA had announced that they had surrounded and captured Puthukudiyiruppu. They also claim that they have defeated the tigers and mass of them are dead. These are the words found in all leading newspapers and media news.

But, actually according to the news sources reached recently, is when the army surrounded the area, the tigers made their fierce attack severely. When the army cannot equalize and balance their position, they announced the tigers to get surrender. After giving the time limit, they used the heavy poisonous gas bomb over the area. The bomb attacked the LTTE cadres and they were dead, then the army had gone ahead. Some person who escaped from the bomb attack are suffered from giddiness, vommiting and breathing problems.

When the army communications are recorded secretly it came to know that, before using the poisonous gas bombs the army seeks permission from some officials and they were provided immediately with face mask and also army had moved back. Even the effect of the bomb had attacked some armymen also.

India and Sri Lanka are trying to destroy LTTE upto its root, even by using the weapons that are banned worldwide. The International community also seeing and supporting this horror.

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