Thursday, April 23, 2009

Music industry sites DDoSed after Pirate Bay verdict

By John Leyden (The Register)
20 Apr, 2009

Hacktivism cuts both ways

Hacktivists have launched denial of service attacks against music industry association and lawyers involved in the prosecution of the four Pirate Bay defendants in the wake of a guilty verdict against the quartet last Friday.
The assault has rendered - the main website of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry - intermittently unavailable or sluggish for a time on Monday morning.
Discussions involving 250 hackers on talk about retaliation on the ifpi and lawyers involved in the case and a desire to take the website off the internet throughout Monday, at a minimum. Discussion on the attack can be found at irc channels at
"They want to get the message across that the IFPI can not mess with the internet and that the internet is serious business," coldblood, an admin at told El Reg. "This is very much like the Scientology thing started more than a year ago now," he added.
Operation Baylout, as the attack is called, also involved the reported defacement of the Swedish website of the IFPI.
Meanwhile limited distributed denial of service attacks against some Torrent tracker sites continued in the wake of guilty verdict against the four defendants in the high-profile Pirate Bay trial last Friday.

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