Thursday, April 9, 2009

Greenpeace reaction: EDF espionage greater than expected

From 7thSpace :

5 Apr 2009

International — Following this week's revelations that top staff at nuclear energy giant Electricité de France (EDF) were charged on suspicion of spying on Greenpeace, Inspectors from the French special cyber crimes unit (l'Office central de lutte contre la criminalité technologique, l'OCLCTIC) spent three hours in the French Greenpeace offices today.

According to new evidence it seems that Greenpeace has been targeted by expert espionage and that the extent of the infiltration could be much wider than first suspected.

"Three days after the explosion of this scandal, EDF and Kargus Consulting's line of defense no longer stands up,” says Pascal Husting, Director of Greenpeace France. “This is not the work of some isolated hacker. They have clearly been spying on all of our work. Why? What is EDF scared of? "

“Who knows to what extent our international servers have been affected. We do not have the technical nor economic means to protect ourselves from a hacking onslaught backed by big business," says Loic Prévotat, head of IT Greenpeace France.

Greenpeace will be seeking clarifications from EDF that these undemocratic and underhand practices have not been used in all 28 of our offices world wide. Greenpeace also demands that Admiral Durieux, Director of EDF security be suspended of his duties until the whole truth of the extent of the breach of privacy is uncovered.

“Clearly EDF feels threatened by our criticism of their nuclear energy program,” said Dr Rianne Teule, Greenpeace International Nuclear Campaigner. “We have been calling for an open debate in the public domain for a sustainable energy supply but EDF seems incapable of any sort of transparency.”

Contact information
Mike Townsley
Telephone: +31 6 2129 6918

Dr Rianne Teule, Greenpeace International Nuclear Campaigner, +31 (0) 650 640 961

Pascal Husting, Director Greenpeace France, +33 (0)6 73 89 23 19

Alexandra Dawe, Greenpeace International Nuclear Communications, +31 (0) 6 29001146

Romain Chabrol, Greenpeace France Nuclear Communications, + 33 (0) 6 88 88 18 27

Greenpeace International Press Desk: +31 (0) 20 718 2470

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