Saturday, March 14, 2009

Open extraterrestrial (UFO) contact will occur during Obama years says time acceleration researcher

Alfred Webre, Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
in Examiner :

Part VI of a series of investigative articles on the Obama administration, the United Nations, and unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and extraterrestrial life

On February 24, 2009, Pres. Barack Obama delivered what media outlets are calling his “Luke Skywalker” speech to a joint session of the U.S. congress with all trappings of a state of the union address.  Luke Skywalker is reference to a Jedi knight in the Star Wars series who leads the rebellion against the empire beholden to the dark force.  By casting Obama in the role of Luke Skywalker, media outlets like Mother Jones are seeking to imbue Obama's political agenda and persona with the revolutionary aura of a Jedi Knight, rescuing America and the world from war, crime, disease and poverty.

Other researchers contend that insiders from the Trilateral Commission have covertly trained Obama since his early 20s at Columbia University for his present role as leading implementer of a global “friendly fascism.”  The Trilateral Commission, founded by David Rockefeller and Obama's mentor Zbigniew Brzezinski, is considered by some analysts to be a front organization, promoting the depopulation policies of an international war crimes racketeering organization.

2011-12 & passage through the plane of the galactic center black hole

The Luke Skywalker reference overlooks one major gap in Barack Obama's congressional address – any reference to our populated, organized solar system, galaxy, and universe.  One agenda item that Obama conspicuously left out of his speech is probably the most certain and impactful event and outcome to occur during his presidency – the impending passage of our solar system through the plane of the massive black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.   In the run-up to alignment of our earth to the plane of the galactic black hole in 2011-12, there exists a virtual certainty of open extraterrestrial contact with our human society.

Barack Obama's first term as U.S. president (ending January 20, 2013) includes the expected passage of earth through the galactic plane sometime between October 28, 2011 and December 21, 2012, according to researchers Carl Johan Calleman and Barbara Hand Clow. If Obama is elected for a second term he will serve through January 20, 2017.

Obama's omission of the impending passage of the earth through the plane of the galactic black hole in 2011-12 is all the more surprising because of the vocal emphasis that Obama has placed on science in his administration.

With the approach of the year 2000, there were worldwide preparations for a “Y2K” problem that were based upon a possible planetary emergency.  

Where are the similar preparations for 2011-12 by the U.S. government, with respect to the likelihood of open planetary contact with an extraterrestrial civilization as we approach these coming years of 2011-12?

There is accumulating evidence that open planetary contact with an extraterrestrial civilization will occur between now and 2011-12, and thus far the Obama White House and U.S. government agencies under Barack Obama such as NASA (National Aeronautic and Space Administration) and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency continue to cover-up an extraterrestrial presence they have fully documented and in some cases liaison with rather than acclimating the public to the extraterrestrial presence.

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