Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Launch of International Solidarity University Jean-Paul Sartre & Paul Nizan

Université de Solidarité Internationale Jean-Paul Sartre & Paul Nizan

An international initiative sartrian intellectuals committed to the defense of human rights of the peoples of the world

The Université de Solidarité Internationale Jean-Paul Sartre and Paul Nizan, a non governmental organization (NGO) International CULTURAL, existentialist humanist, independent, free, non-profit organization founded on April 15, 2004 (the anniversary of death Our French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre 21-6-1905 Paris - Paris 15-4-1980) aimed at promoting culture, arts education and solidarity without borders, through the commitment of intellectuals satreanos to defending the rights Human people around the world, says the Argentine Sergio Tapia, founder and president of the Free University sartrian.

Its priority use strategies both educational and cultural training, and promoting, supporting and organizing all kinds of learning processes according to the principles of "Free Education and Human Rights", in some cases designed for "individuals or groups but always with the implication "of" them.

(Education, Training and Culture "to" all "of all) under the principles of international solidarity HUMANISM existential French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre and Solidarity International Paul Nizan through educational and cultural development Chairs Free International yonline all for free.

The Universite de Solidarite Internationale & Jean-Paul Sartre, Paul Nizan is composed of men and women with intellectual sartrian 'awareness of international solidarity, members voluntary character of professors International Open in defense of life and the human condition without distinction of race , creed or condition through education free of culture, art, philosophy and humanities on education and solidarity without borders.

The Universite de Solidarite Internationale Jean-Paul Sartre Paul Nizan & maintains the continuity of Sartre's thought is the vision of freedom as the central concept of human existence: there is freedom because awareness is the one thing that nothing is given, and hence there is the reality, to the extent that this makes sense only for consciousness. Freedom is the fundamental premise, the concept of unconditional support that the whole thought of Sartre.

As sartrian think it worth fighting for a society where all men are free, where freedom is both a philosophy of human emancipation, under the foundations of the Humanist Existentialism Jean Paul Sartre, Existentialism where Humanism is a Sartre says "our responsibility is much greater than we assume, because it involves all of humanity," says the founder of the University of solidarity sartrian Sergio Tapia.

We continue the legacy of Sartre, against the bureaucracy of the intellectuals of this, an academic intellectual complice of the human tragedy for their indifference, we believe that man is condemned to be free;. satreanos us as intellectuals committed to the defense of human rights of the peoples of the world, defending liberty, freedom of man, against the injustices that were not committed in silence, as it reflects the commitment of Sartre against the Vietnam War, leading the Russell Tribunal against war crimes, and writing the first sentence historica "genocide" being the forerunner of international courts of conscience.

Paul Nizan

This militant committed intellectual, writer, French journalist who died in front of the French Resistance fighting the Nazis for the release of man, was fellow at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Jean Paul Sartre, Paul Nizan's work is the commitment in theory and in practice against exploitation and for a new humanism in which man may accept their liberation, "We are temporary until the bones. Do not ask what anyone thinks, but what it does or does not, "says Paul Nizan who did write:" As far as men are not completely free, safe on his legs and the land that sustains them, during the dream night "The problem of the writer is in a humanism that takes into account the specific conditions of human life and not the abstract thinking", Sartre reminds Nizan: "My outrage was nothing more than a soap bubble ; his was real, their words of hate were pure gold, mine, counterfeit currency. "

Teaching Chairs FREE FOR ALL
Teaching is an intellectually committed to the pillars on which underpins the Universite de Solidarite Internationale Jean-Paul Sartre & Paul Nizan Chairs through its International Open in order to expand knowledge, foster creativity and participation of students in seminars on culture, conferences, roundtables, human rights, in defense of humanity wiped out by war and crimes against humanity

Chairs of the Open International University sartrian will be offered from April 15, 29 on the anniversary of the death of Sartre, for free, without charge, yonline through the Internet at the International Campus of the Universite de Solidarite Internationale Jean Paul & Paul Sartre-Nizan, in: www.universitejeanpaulsartre.co.cc

The intellectuals
The Universite de Solidarite Internationale Jean-Paul Sartre and Paul Nizan edited The Journal publishes its intellectuals, which reflects the thinking sartrian and international analysis of the global environment
We also developed the world's first radio sartrian in Spanish Radio Universite Jean-Paul Sartre, a radio Catedra Libre Open International places and cultural institutions worldwide, with the granting of honorary degrees, an associate member of Francodiffusion to Paris, France .

The Universite de Solidarite Internationale Jean-Paul Sartre-Nizan & Paul was built on a permanent basis to the Library and Video Library of Catedra Libre for the realization of free open seminars and lectures internationally.

The Universite de Solidarite Internationale Jean-Paul Sartre & Paul Nizan, is identified with the emblem of the image of Jean-Paul Sartre and Paul Nizan, and the phrase "Man is condemned to be free." (Jean-Paul Sartre)

~ Independent Media Center ~

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