Saturday, March 21, 2009

G-20 bracing: "Anarchists by definition won't come and see us," he said

From Police warn of G20 protest scale :

Known activists are planning in an "unprecedented" way ahead of next month's G20 summit in London, the Metropolitan Police have warned.

Cdr Bob Broadhurst, in charge of the policing operation, said anarchists and environmentalists were plotting a series of demonstrations.

Groups active in the late 1990s were re-emerging and forming new alliances to protest at the meeting, he said.

The operation will involve thousands of officers and cost an estimated £7.2m.

World leaders, including US President Barack Obama, will begin to arrive in the UK on 31 March.

The next day campaigners are expected to target the City of London in a series of anti-globalisation and climate change demonstrations.

As the G20 summit begins on 2 April, protests are also planned at the Excel conference centre in Docklands.

Numbers challenge

Cdr Broadhurst said officers from six forces would be involved in a massive security operation before and during the summit.

However, it was difficult to estimate how many protesters would actually turn up on the main day of activity on 1 April.

"Clearly there are some very innovative and clever people and they know our tactics," Cdr Broadhurst said. "They want to stop the City on the Wednesday - that is their avowed intention."

He said it was his aim to "facilitate lawful protest" and he revealed plans for a special demonstration pen near the Excel Centre to accommodate a few hundred protesters.

But while police had worked closely with some campaigners, the plans of other groups were harder to ascertain.

~ more... ~

Meanwhile, indie media are suggesting some interesting travel itineraries:

Smash We Can! NATO summit coming up

It's time to start making plans to travel to the NATO summit in Strasbourg France, here are some links

The resistance against the NATO summit starts with the opening of the camp on the 1st of April which is also the Action day against "European security architecture". The main events take place on the 3rd and 4th of April. Friday the 3rd will see blockades against the opening banquet of the NATO summit whilst Saturday the 4th will be a day of more blockades in Strasbourg and a massdemonstration.

here's a bunch of links for further info:

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