Tuesday, December 23, 2008

'A musical experiment to save the world'

A Call for Musicians, Producers, and Event Coordinators for LIVE H2O

Release: No. 3-LW528
Date Mailed: Dec. 6, 2008
For Immediate Release
Contact: Jackie Lindenbach—208/265-8065

Scientists and spiritual persons worldwide have honored Water's sacred and restorative properties now being critically endangered. LIVE H2O aims to celebrate Water, to hydro-educate the world's leading musicians and celebrities, and hydro-electrify a global audience, to impact the physical salvation and spiritual evolution of civilization through a growing appreciation of Waters' finest qualities. Chief among these is the eternal sound of LOVE carried universally as a vibration through this amazing medium of co-creation. In essence, this concert aims to impact world history, planetary peace, and global healing by celebrating the miracles, and revealing the mysteries, of the 'Universal Solvent.'

In 2003, Yoko Ono heralded this day in her essay, 'We Are All Water.' She wrote of us facing the dawning and demise of our global village, amidst polluted air, Water and growing psychopathology. '[W]ater not only reacts to written words but to music,' she counseled. 'The power we have is our sanity and the knowledge that we are all Water.' (http://www.jeclique.com/onoweb/weareallwater2003.html)

Water reflects more than light. Japanese water scholar, Dr. Masaru Emoto, among the stars of the movie, 'What the Bleep Do We Know!', and author of the New York Times bestseller, The Hidden Messages in Water, has evidenced Water's 'consciousness.' Here and elsewhere, Dr. Emoto published evidence linking music and language to Waters' dynamic capacity to alter its molecular structure receiving and transmitting messages of hope and counsel. Uplifting humanity's spirituality, even communing in Divine harmony with LOVE, he concluded, Water performs brilliantly. As an energy-rich superconductor, Water is indeed part of the living God within each of us. (http://www.beyondword.com/emoto-books-and-products.html)
A quick read of Genesis 1:1-2 tells you that Water collaborated with God and the Holy Spirit for the 'Big Bang.' Thus, before there was the 'Trinity' in history, Water comprised a third of the 'Triune God.' In 1999, I had the opportunity to publish the rediscovered original musical scale leading me to realize we vibrate in a 'Perfect Circle of Sound' that harmonically resonates universally. In my book, Walk on Water, and more recently in my decryption of da Vinci's Vitruvian [Wo]Man, I was privileged to advance the central tone of 'hydro-creationism,' 528Hz frequency, that clear-channel broadcasts LOVE--the 'Universal Healer.' This MIracle tone, and science-based math-confirmed determination, I am convinced is the Biblical 'key to the house of David' that shall open 'doors that no man can close' in service to widespread peace, healing, and prospering.

These insights are now rapidly advancing the worlds of music and medicine. Leading humanitarians, musicians, entertainers, scientists, and scholars, have come together to co-create LIVE H2O as a celebration and practical application of this beneficial knowledge to progress through a Spiritual Renaissance exponentially accelerating and advanced through the purifying, restoring, and sustaining capacity of Water.

In celebration of these revelations, and application of this knowledge, it is my honor to invite submissions for service in support of LIVE H2O, the event to be held June 19-21, 2009 internationally, including proposed new works by performing artists that incorporate these beneficial themes. Recording artists and artisans along with celebrities, producers, event coordinators, public relations personnel, and volunteer administrators are encouraged to contact appropriate LIVE H2O organizers and begin immediately to actualize appropriate objectives.

For more information, including specific instructions for musicians and participants to achieve optimal benefits, visit the LIVE H2O website, and revisit it periodically for updates and venue additions.

Let us all come together to celebrate Water with its 'Power of 528 to Set Everything Straight.'

Leonard G. Horowitz
Executive Producer, LIVE H2O

Laine S. Quirk
International Events Coordinator


Water Concert Brings John Lennon's "Plan" and Beatles Saga to LifeGOOGLE

Video: Dr. Horowitz Discusses LIVE H2O and The Living Water

Historic Concert to Bless Water for Peace, Health and Prosperity

~ LIVE H2O ~