Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A new time resolution

Having studied calendars and prophecies for the last 13 years, I discovered that before the Gregorian calendar imposition in 1582, which went on to establish the 12-Month calendar as the (unquestioned) world standard, there were vastly more accounts of thriving cultural calendar traditions and cycles observed by the peoples of the planet than survive today. These calendrical lineages offered the human-being maps of time that served to connect them to their Sacred Relationship to Time, in phase with the microcosm of their life as a reflection of the larger macrocosm of the Universe.

Nowadays, it is my feeling that as a species we have been conditioned to accept a numb and meaningless association to our calendar and how we track "time," and relate to it; how we schedule the cosmic, creative life-force that we have been granted as
students on this Earth... Straddling the globe, like a language and code casting the spell of artificial time, everywhere we look - from our daytimers, computers, cellphones, TV, doctor's offices, prisons, presidential offices, banks, supermarkets, elementary schools - we are all told the day's "date" in Gregorian terms, "Monday December 29th, 2008," but what does it mean? Where does it come from? Have we really considered what we've been subscribing to? And is this the best choice to agree upon as a planet? Is it working, is it serving the awakening of our human potential? It is reminding us to how to prioritize our human role as Shepherds
of the planet? Or is it reinforcing that we keep our focus on working, shopping, and paying our bills?... Whose agenda might it be serving?

I have come to the understanding that the Gregorian calendar operates as a veil that can distract and obscure our connection to our own natural rhythms and the natural rhythms of the Earth we live upon and Universe we dream within. Sourced in the Vatican Catholic Church, Pope Gregory the 13th, and the earlier calendars of Caesar and the Roman Empire, its mathematical structure does not reflect or teach us about the natural rhythms of our journey around the Sun, nor elucidate the spiritual meanings of our relationships to the spiralling patterns and harmonic ratios of the Stars...

As Dr. Jose Arguelles has shared in his life-long research and analysis of the Gregorian Calendar as an instrument of global social governance, its main function is to entrain us with an artifical pulse and mental construct of time that upholds the paradigm: Time is Money. Fueled by the vibration of survival fear, this mentality separates and compartmentalizes, and allows the Biosphere's resources, as well as our own human bodies and life-force, to be perceived solely as material worth to be potentially exploited, rather than respected as sentient equals, mirrors of the one web of life.

Rather than offering guidance to illuminate the sacred workings of our lives and our relationships with all of life, which is the ultimate opportunity of a sacred calendar, I conceive of the phenomena of the Gregorian calendar and its ally in linearizing time: the mechanical clock (creating together what Arguelles calls the 12:60 artificial timing frequency) as a socially-accepted, consensus reality that the whole globe is participating in, essentially because we haven't taken the time to investigate it and ascertain the effects our daily calendars and sense of time actually have upon us, our relationships, and our navigation as a Planet.

In Gregorian time, we are disassociated from the archaic, sacred meanings of the 7 days of the week, and the misnamed 12 months of the year (Sept = 7 and is the 9th month, Oct = 8 and is the 10th month, Nov = 9 and is the 11th month, etc) and their
erratic numbering of 28, 29,30,31 leave us with a feeling of disorder and chaos. Because we are not rooted to natural cycles, there is a vibration of scarcity as though we are perpetually in danger of running out of time, as its minutes seem to all be owned by some obligation, some past regret, or future stress... It doesn't help that the clock ticks relentlessly, echoing the mechanical pulse of the machine of industry, progress and the greed of the empire of the egoic mind.

This materialist relationship to time promoted by the 12-month calendar and clock is contrary to the dimension of Natural Time in which time is understood as energy; consciousness; life; the infinite possibilities of the unfolding art of beingness; synchronic patterns of fractal aesthetics... One expression of this is the 13:20 natural timing frequency, which was first recorded by the ancient Maya and then re-articulated by Dr. Jose Arguelles in the form of a 13-Month/28-day Calendar. In Natural Time we come to not only understand the simple yet complex mathematical order that underlies our cycles, but simultaneously we gradually re-connect with our inherent, internal sense of time and natural timing, grounded in our own terrestrial yet cosmic beingness.

~ more... ~

[ Via George ]

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