Friday, October 24, 2008

Diego Garcia: Exiled islanders barred from going home

Exiled families longing to return to their native islands in the Indian Ocean had their hopes dashed yesterday when the Law Lords upheld the government's last-ditch bid to stop them going home.

The House of Lords judges who sit at the highest court in the land overturned all the decisions made by the High Court and Court of Appeal allowing them to return.

Although the Law Lords admitted the government of the day was wrong to force out some 2000 residents of the Chagos Islands, a British colony, to make way for a US air base in the 1960s, three out of five upheld the government's appeal.

The courts ruled in 2000 that the Chagossians could return to 65 of the islands, but not Diego Garcia where the air base was built.

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