You know who I'm talking about. The names and activities of these people are regularly splashed across the pages of daily newspapers and television broadcasts, and drip bloodily off the pages of our history books. What they do and who they are are clearly apparent, to one and all. They are a minority of the population and yet they lord it over the rest of humanity - who acquiesce in their power plays and exploitive policies, or even outright support them in their harebrained rantings and ravings and cockamamie schemes of national domination and world conquest. We keep tossing up these maniacs, century after century, millennium after millennium. Alexander, the Caesars of Imperial Rome, Attila, Genghis Khan, The Roman Catholic Popes and Inquisitors of the Middle Ages, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, George Bush, Dick Cheney - the karmic wheel of history keeps turning and churning and we, the human species, keep spewing these monsters out of our loins. And they raise armies and set off to conquer and spoil, filling their torture dungeons and prisons with hapless victims of their iron rule, leaving behind a mountain of corpses on the killing fields that trail behind in their ignominious wake. And, alarmingly, these monsters never lack for legions of fawning lickspittle toadies, sycophants, desperate "wannabes", and obsequious brown nosers, eager to go along, grateful to get along, who conspire and cooperate with them to carry out their hideously dark plots and nefarious schemes. You can see that in the United States right now - people like Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, John McCain, Barack Obama, John Ashcroft, Alberto Gonzalez, General Petraeus, Ben Bernanke and Michael Chertoff are just that sort of individual, and there are literal swarms of other lesser knowns who aid and abet these dark underlings in their myriad, ongoing, unconstitutional, massively criminal endeavors.
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