Saturday, June 14, 2008

Greece, Cyprus may have allowed secret CIA flights: European MPs

Greece and Cyprus are among 14 EU member-states suspected of turning a blind eye to secret CIA flights taking terror suspects to countries where they could face torture, according to a report approved by a majority of MEPs in the European Parliament on Wednesday.

The EU parliament voted to accept a resolution condemning member states who accepted or ignored the practice, according to Athens News Agency reports.

The EU report said the US had operated 1,200 flights, flying suspects on to states where they could face torture.

The report was adopted by a large majority, with 382 MEPs voting in favor, 256 against and 74 abstaining.

A paragraph referring to Greece said that aircraft used by the CIA had made 64 stops in Greek airports. It expressed grave concerns regarding the purpose of flights coming from or flying to countries linked to the CIA's "extraordinary renditions" circuit, as the prisoner transfers were termed.

In the case of Cyprus, the report pointed to 57 stops at Cyprus airports of CIA-operated planes.

It is unlikely, the report said, that European governments were unaware of rendition activities on their territory.

European Commission for Justice Franco Frattini said the message from the report was a need for "greater and closer EuroAtlantic cooperation," greater cooperation with the U.S. in the name of two principles -- "security and mutual respect".

~ People's Daily Online ~

[ via Telespy ]

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