Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Navy & CH2MHill lying to Vieques & Puerto Rico about their bombing range cleanup practices

From the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques (CPRDV)

(note -- the cleanup contractor, the Navy bombardment , and the
practice of open detonation of unexploded bombing-range ordnance
are covered in the Vieques segment of our documentary, "Contaminated
Forever," particularly by CPRDV activist Nilda Medina; Vieques has
at least a 26 percent higher cancer rate than the main island of
Puerto Rico, according to PR's own data; some of that is believed
to come from depleted uranium ordnance testing there -- WR)

Article written by Dr. Jorge Colon, professor, chemistry department,
University of Puerto Rico --

A day before the 9th anniversary of the death of David Sanes in
Vieques from a US Navy bomb, once again the Navy and the company
contracted for environmental clean up  CH2MHill  lies to the
Viequenses and the people of Puerto Rico.

In articles published on April 18, both the Navy and CH2MHill
indicated thousands of bombs they are exploding in Vieques cannot
be detonated in the controlled detonation chamber because  even
though CH2MHill builds it (Model T-10), its very small for the type
of large bombs found in Vieques

The Navy, as well as CH2MHill lie.  CH2MHill also builds controlled
detonation chambers much larger than those mentioned in the articles
(Models T-25, T-30, D-60, D-100 and D-200).

I have presented this situation to the Navy, to CH2MHill, the
Environmental Quality Board and the EPA at several meetings of the
Restoration Adivsory Board in Vieques, indicating that CH2MHill has
shown at international conferences about military clean up and that
is has built larger detonation chambers being used experimentally
in the US and in other parts of the world, by the US Departament
of Defense.

Some of these chambers can withstand detonation of bombs up to 250
pounds and larger chambers are will be available in the near future.

We are not convinced by the Navys argument that they cannot bring
one or more of these chambers to Vieques to detonate a large number
of the bombs found, because these large chambers are experimental,
very costly and do not have approval from related agencies.

We believe that just as Vieques could be a model of sustainable
development for our country if the community recommendations in the
Guidelines for Sustainable Development of Vieques, it could also
be a model for the world in the use of these chambers that avoid
dispersing dangerous contaminants into the environment during
detonation of bombs in closed bases and war zones.

Only one powerful reason impedes this from happening:  the Navy
would have to spend more to buy the chambers from CH2MHill and bring
them to Vieques.

CH2MHill has a multimillion dollar contract from the Navy for the
Vieques clean up.

Its not going to bite the hand that feeds it, therefore, it does
not mention the larger chambers; however, all Puerto Rico, particularly
the government regulatory agencies, should demand the the installation
in Vieques of the largest detonation chambers as a condition for
continuation of the clean up process.

The Environmental Quality Board, the Health Department and other
Puerto Rico government agencies and the EPA should Project Vieques
from the continuing presence of residuals from 60 years of Navy
bombardment.  If they do not comply with their ministerial
responsibilities, no one should be surprised if the people of Vieques
once again turn to civil disobedience to demand justice.

Dr. Jorge L. Colsn Departamento de Qummica
Universidad de Puerto Rico P.O. Box 23346 San Juan, Puerto Rico
00931-3346 Tel. (787)402-2015 -----------------------------

Wes Rehberg Wild Clearing skype: wildclearing

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