Sunday, April 27, 2008

Earth as electrical resonator

From: Schuman Resonance by L. Oliver Duffy

The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second at last measurement. The circumference of the Earth is about 24,000 miles. That means that an electrical impulse from a lightning strike will travel around the Earth approximately 7.8 times in one second (186/24 = 7.75).

The background base resonance is measured daily by the Navel Research Labs and is posted somewhere on the web. I have looked it up in the past. It has not changed at any time since it has been measured and is not changing now. The laws of physics still work the same way today as they have always worked.

Because the Earth has a magnetic field and it is a spherical resonator, it forms what is known as a circulator. This means that radio waves (and this is what we are talking about here) travel from West to East with less attenuation than they do from East to West. The difference is about 3 decibels more loss per 1000 miles from East to West. That is to say that the signals traveling from East to West loses about one 50% more of their power per 1000 miles than do the signals traveling from West to East. The signals traveling North and South are not affected. The velocity also is not affected enough to cause any measurable difference in the frequency of resonance.

Because lightning strikes are pulses, they contain many different frequencies and because the Earth is a resonator it takes these harmonic-containing spikes and filters them into multiples of the Earth's resonant frequency. Therefore, frequences of 7.8Hz, 15.6Hz, 23.4Hz etc. are all supported by the Earth's resonator. Also, locally, signals from lightning strikes that have yet to travel ample distance to allow for the filtering effect can be recorded with many different frequencies intact.

Braden's work also points to the idea that the Earth's magnetic field affects human nature as a function of its strength. Apparently it collapses every few thousand years and then reestablishes itself in a different direction. The collapse occurs over a matter of only a few years during which time the consciousness of the planet is somehow transformed. Apparently we are entering one of these times.

With the Earth's magnetic field diminishing we can expect to see the directional effects of the Earth's resonator diminishing as well. This will affect the ratio of harmonics found in the Schumann resonance and that may be what is being measured. But, it does not affect the fundamental frequency of 7.8Hz as dictated by the speed of light and the circumference of the Earth.

There may be other things taking place that are not covered by the above and I will read the article you pointed to at this time to see if any new information is available.

Geophysical Condition

2: Earth's Diminishing Magnetic Field: While earth's "pulse" rate is rising, her magnetic field strength, on the other hand, is declining. According to Professor Bannerjee of the University of New Mexico, the field has lost up to half its intensity in the last 4,000 years. And because a forerunner of magnetic polar reversals is this field strength, Prof. Bannerjee believes that another reversal is due. Braden believes that because these cyclical Shifts are associated with reversals, Earth's geological record indicating magnetic reversals also marks previous Shifts in history. And, within the enormous time scale represented, there were quite a few of them.

I'll let this stand without comment.

What is a Schumann Resonance? Believe it or not, the Earth behaves like an enormous electric circuit. The atmosphere is actually a weak conductor and if there were no sources of charge, it's existing electric charge would diffuse away in about 10 minutes. There is a 'cavity' defined by the surface of the Earth and the inner edge of the ionosphere 55 kilometers up. At any moment, the total charge residing in this cavity is 500,000 Coulombs. There is a vertical current flow between the ground and the ionosphere of 1 - 3 x 10^-12 Amperes per square meter. The resistance of the atmosphere is 200 Ohms. The voltage potential is 200,000 Volts.

The electrical current flow to the Earth, except through lightning, is a result of the highly ionized hydrogen particles spewed out from the sun. The positive charges, which are basically protons, have a relatively high mass as compared to the negatively charged electrons. These massive positive charges blast through the atmosphere and land on the Earth and can be considered an electrical current. We normally think of electrical current as the flow of electrons moving from a negative to a positive charge. Protrons move in the oposite way while transiting Earth's atmosphere. It would appear then, if measured using electron based measuring equipment, that the Earth is more negatively charged and the electron flow is moving upwards when something quite different is taking place and that is that the positive charged protrons are moving downwards.

The electrons that are sent by the sun meet up with the negatively charged ionosphere and are repelled or slowed down and accumulated. The Earth's atmosphere is an insulator to electrons and they do not have enough inertial energy to penetrate it. The ionosphere is highly negatively charged (electrons) and conductive. The charge keeps increasing until the atmosphere beaks down and the electrons find their way to the Earth in the form of lightning.

This ionospheric (sphere of ions) charge creates an electrical shield around the Earth. This shield then becomes the outer conductor of an electrical sphere (the Earth) within a sphere (the ionosphere). The atmosphere is a dielectric insulator, which separates the two. Thus a spherical capacitor as well as a spherical resonator is created and maintained. Electrical signals of sufficient wavelength (low frequency) are wave-guided around and around between this "sphere within a sphere" and is known as the base Schumann Resonance of 7.8Hz mainly traveling from West to East.

During a solar flare, the aurora borealis is seen as the electrical current through the upper atmosphere increases enough at that altitude to cause secondary emission in the form of light.

I do not believe that Earth's electrical charge would diffuse in about 10 minutes if the sun were to burn out. This is due to the insulative nature of the atmospheric gasses keeping the charges apart. It is much like a cup that is overflowing. When you stop pouring water in it stops overflowing but does not empty itself.

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